Nu-Health Astaxanthin 10mg 60 Softgles
Nu-Health 天然虾青素 10毫克 60粒软胶囊
Astaxanthin is considered to be one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants with the ability to provide many health benefits to the body. In addition to its anti-oxidant properties, astaxanthin may provide cardiovascular, brain, and eye health. This potent ingredient is a natural carotenoid and can help protect body tissues from the natural degenerative process of aging as well as defense against environmental damage to the skin and eyes.
虾青素是迄今為止人類發現自然界最強的抗氧化劑,其抗氧化活性遠遠超過現有的任何抗氧化劑,其清除自由基能力是: 天然VE的1000倍,天然β-胡蘿蔔素的10倍,黃體素的200倍,OPC的 150 倍,Q10 的 60倍,茶多酚的200倍,硫辛酸的 75倍,番茄紅素的 7倍 Astaxanthin由藻類、酵母等菌類產生,人體無法自行合成。其可通過血腦屏障和細胞膜,保健功能十分強力有效: 1. 對眼睛和中樞神經系統的保護作用 2. 預防心血管疾病 3. 抑制腫瘤 4. 防紫外線輻射、美容抗皺 5. 抗炎、抗感染 6. 抑制糖尿病,腎病 7. 緩解運動疲勞,增強機體能量代謝 8. 增強免疫力 使用方法:每日一次,每次一粒(3-12mg)
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