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Bio-Jett CoQ10 850mg 300 Capsules
Bio-Jett CoQ10 850mg 300 Capsules
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    Bio-Jett CoQ10 850mg 300 Capsules  $39.00 

    Bio-Jett Co-Q10 强力活心健脑素 850mg 300 Capsules

    New 2024 Improved Formula and New Packaging!


    Coenzyme Q10 is incorporated into the mitochondria of cells throughout the body where it facilitates and regulates the transformation of fats and sugars into energy. A large body of scientific evidence show that CoQ10's ability to restore mitochondrial function has a profound effect on one's overall health.

    Suggested Use:
    Take one or two tablets daily, preferably with meals as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.

    强力活心健脑素是利用世界上最先进的生物科技,经医学专家临床精心研究而推出的对心血管系统极为有益的纯天然活性成分保健品。它具有高吸收率及高效维持血液系 统平衡,调降血液粘度,血脂,血糖,胆固醇,改善心慌,心悸,心绞痛,营养心肌,阻止动脉硬化和心血管疾病提早发生的特点。其中的主要成分 Coenzyme Q10是身体细胞线粒体内能量转换利用必须的重要物质。缺乏它,细胞就无法正常制造能量而乏力,从而产生心率失常,中风,高血压,心脏病,动脉硬化等疾 病。

    1. 有效改善血液粘度,增强和恢复血管弹性,提高血液容量,改善微循环,从而有效增强心脏功能,防止动脉硬化,高血压,高血脂。
    2. 有效调节新陈代谢,预防心脏功能受损,增强脂类代谢和脂质转换功能,降低心肌耗氧量,调节心肌内氧和能量代谢的平衡,提高心肌供血,有效防止心慌,心悸,心绞痛。


    This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 09 May, 2024.
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