12 Bottles Per Case
Made In USA
卵磷脂为优良乳化剂,使血管中的胆固醇很中性脂肪乳化而排出,防止其沉淀于动脉血管中,被称为血管的清道夫。因此可改善和预防动脉硬化、高血压、心脏病、脑中风很老年痴呆。 卵磷脂能促进胎儿脑细胞形成,增强记忆力,预防老年痴呆症,和预防动脉硬化、高血压、心脏病和脑中风。卵磷脂还具有保护皮肤、抑制老年斑,促进脂溶性维生素吸收的作用。 本品100%从天然食品中提取,易被人体吸收,安全无副作用。 适用对象: 高血压、胆固醇、便秘、肝胆机能不良者、肌肤粗糙、脑力损耗者,容易疲劳和感冒者,糖尿病者以及神经衰弱都可以食用,对胎儿及孕妇亦有帮助。
建议使用:每日1-2粒, 随饭进食
含量: 每粒含1200毫克天然大豆卵磷脂
Made from soybean, improved memory performance, useful effects in a number of neurological, psychiatric and infectious diseases and disorders. Lecithin is an important nutrient found in various foods and available as supplements in many drug and health food stores. Lecithin is among a number of substances derived from soybeans that are being researched for potential health benefits, including lowering the risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer. If Lecithin were a drug instead of a natural food, your doctor would probably be prescribing it as beneficial to the Brain, Nervous System, Cardiovascular system, Liver and other vital parts of your body. In fact, no other nutrient does so much in so many ways to improve and preserve good health and youthful vim and vigor. Supplement Facts: Each softgel contains Lecithin 1200mg Suggest Use: Take one lecithin softgel twice a day with a glass of water, preferably after a meal.